Faculty Recruitment for Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

  1. The College of Biological Science and Technology at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University aims to address the current global challenges and construct a healthy, affordable, and sustainable society through the concepts and approaches of Engineering Biological Science. The Institute of bioinformatics and systems biology is the nation’s first Institute of Bioinformatics and recruited outstanding students from the two major fields of biotechnology (biology) and information. The research domains of the Institute included diverse and complex subjects such as genetic bioinformatics, structural bioinformatics, molecular simulation, database structure and design, bioinformatics algorithms, structural biology, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, molecular evolution, and genomics. Our Institute actively collaborates with major hospitals and research institutions to study clinical data and cultivate both theory and application in top bioinformatics and systems biology talents.
  2. Number of faculty positions: 1 position
  3. Faculty positions available: Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor
  4. Application requirements:
  5. Applicant should share a similar vision and goal as the College of Biological Science and Technology and has an outstanding record in cutting edge research and teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. He or she should also have a PhD degree in biotechnology, life sciences, bioinformatics, chemistry or biochemistry, physics, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer sciences, or any other related disciplines. Those with expertise in bioinformatics, computation biology, structural bioinformatics, and related disciplines will be considered with higher priority.
  6. Additional Requirements: Successful candidates will be required to teach courses in English for the first three years of his or her appointment.
  7. Deadline for application: Application review process will begin on April 11, 2022
  8. Application package should include:
    1. 應徵意願書 (Cover Letter)
    2. 個人資料 (Curriculum Vitae)
    3. Publication list and reprint copies of representative publications
    4. Research & Teaching plans
    5. Three reference letters sent directly by external referees
    6. Estimated laboratory start-up budget and instrumentation needs.
  9. Please send the application package to:
    Applications should be sent to the Dr. Ethan Lan and cc. Ms. Meiling Lai through e-mail. Their contact information is listed below:

College of Biological Science and Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Dr. Ethan Lan, Associate Dean (ethanilan@nycu.edu.tw)
Ms. Meiling Lai (meiling@nycu.edu.tw)
Tel:+886-3-5712121 extension: 56983 (Ms. Lai)
CBT hompage:https://ceb.nycu.edu.tw
